Sint unii actori care au o soarta cruda. Nu vorbesc de Marcel Iures, care a fost omorit doar o data de Hollywood. Vorbesc de cei care isi cistiga o piine amara, dar integrala fiind omoriti in fiecare film. In toate felurile. Si toate felurile sint cit se poate de grafice.
Deci in dimineatza asta, la o cafelutza si o discutzie savanta despre evenimentele zilei de ieri, va propun sa savurati ca niste decadenti savantzi ce sinteti un pic de matze la gratar, un pic de creerash cu bucati de os prin el, un pic de spinzurari, trageri in teapa, ruperi in patru, zburat de creeri, omorit cu tzarushul in piept, ba chiar si o metoda care implica niste vaci.
Nu va spui. Va las sa vomati pe cont propriu, pin' la capat.
Spune-le, domnu' Sean! Hai, arata-ne cum mor barbatii cind vor femeile...
:) :rofl:
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
9 comentarii:
Hristos ar fi invidios.
lol. o sa arzi in iad 3 mii de infinitzi de ani pentru aceasta afirmatie, iar focul va fi intetzit numai de la arhiepiscopi in sus :) :) :)
Eu cred că îi place. În orice caz, ştiu clar - e cu Sean Bean, Sean Bean e personaj tragic, moare sigur! :))
Adica asa mai pe ocolitelea il acuzi de mazochism. Nu ca n-as fi de acord cu tine... :D
da' voi ati vazut pe craci michteau avea gagica in ultima scena? :)
asta asa - sa o dau in filozofic - viatza bate moartea :D
Numa' la craci ti-e gindu', opsedatule.
PS: si eu tot aia am remarcat. Dar la mine nu se pune, ca sint om de stiinta si trebuie sa vaz totu, nemuritor si nepartinitor si rece. Rece pe dracu... :(
" Airborne - bye bye Toombs
Caravaggio - Rannuccio gets his throat slashed
Clarissa - Lovelace is skewered by Sean Pertwee
Don't Say a Word - Patrick Koster is buried alive
Equilibrium - Death by Poetry - Partridge is blasted away by Christian Bale while reading Yeats
Essex Boys - Jason Locke meets a nasty end in a Range Rover
Far North - Loki is frozen. Naked. In the snow. A chilling end if there ever was one.
The Field - the infamous Death by Cow - Tadgh falls over a cliff, pursued by a herd of stampeding cows
GoldenEye - Alec Trevelyan falls a long way down and is crushed by a satellite dish thing
Henry VIII - Robert Aske meets a gruesome end
The Island - Death by Clone. Merrick is shot in the throat by a nasty grabber thingy with a sharp
hook and a cable that gets wrapped around his neck, and while he's struggling with Lincoln
Six-Echo, the catwalk they're on collapses, and Merrick ends up dangling by the neck. Currently
the most creative dispatch of Sean's career. Definitely well hung.
The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King) - Death
by Orc. Boromir. Arrows. Need I say more?
Lorna Doone - Carver Doone drowns
Outlaw - Dead Dead Dead. Was there ever any question? Dead.
Patriot Games - Sean Miller is beaten up, boathooked and finally blown up by Harrison Ford
Scarlett - Lord Fenton is dispatched
Tell Me That You Love Me - Gabriel Lewis is stabbed by Laura. Or he stabs himself. We're not
quite sure about this one, actually.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion - Death by summoning a god's avatar. Martin Septim (the son of the Emperor, aka The Lost Heir) meets his X-Box end when he attempts to save the world.
The Hitcher - Surely you jest. You need to ask? (There were two different versions filmed. He dies
in both of them.)
War Requiem - The German Soldier dies, but returns in the afterlife "
Natalie Portmann Strips Down... de la sfarsit... MARE DEZAMAGIRE. N-am vazut nimic... HUO! :))
Death by Cow. Yes!! :)
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