And all of this leads us, rather inevitably, to a very important question: What if I were to tell you that God's mental states, too, were all in your mind? That God, like a tiny speck floating at the edge of your cornea producing the image of a hazy, out-of-reach orb accompanying your every turn, was in fact a psychological illusion, a sort of evolved blemish etched onto the core cognitive substrate of your brain? It may feel as if there is something grander out there . . . watching, knowing, caring. Perhaps even judging. But, in fact, that's just your overactive theory of mind. In reality, there is only the air you breathe.
After all, once we scrub away all the theological bric-a-brac and pluck the exotic cross-cultural plumage of religious beliefs from all over the world, once we get under God's skin, isn't He really just another mind—one with emotions, beliefs, knowledge, understanding, and, perhaps above all else, intentions? Aren't theologians really just playing the role of God's translators, and isn't every holy book ever written a detailed psychoanalysis of God? That strangely sticky sense that God "willfully" created us as individuals, "wants" us to behave in particular ways, "observes" and "knows" about our otherwise private actions, "communicates" messages to us in code through natural events, and "intends" to meet us after we die would have also been felt, in some form, by our Pleistocene ancestors.
Slate, Are you there, God? It's me, Brain.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
8 comentarii:
If you talk to God, it's prayer.
If God talks to you, it's schizophrenia. :)
If one "pluck" belief there is no God.
For him.
observ deja un pattern in ceea ce scrii si ma gandesc ca e bine sa intreb la sursa. what's the point cu genul asta de articole? ce vrei sa demonstrezi? vreau sa inteleg.
Daca n-ai intzeles deja, e nasol. Ca eu consider ca e destul de transparent patternul asta, mai anonimule necunoscut.
@ Matusalem: txs for the tip, mate :) :friends:
If you talk to God, it's prayer.
If God talks to you, it's schizophrenia. :)
_nu exista conditional- cand vorbesti cu Dzeu , si nu poate fi definit un conditional o rugaciune....
__deasemenea nu poti face conditional pe Dzeu - si nu stiu daca chiar iti trebuie specificatie de pronume - cel care a scris a gresit ....// iar acest existential de prayer sau schizo ....ridica in platforma mentala face o logica dualista logica de afirmatie continua.....
scuze daca deranjez acest coment.... // vad ca merge saimilas casuta de email asa ca o pun aici :
Spune.Crede.Nu cerceta ."- spune - vorbeste - crede pe o platforma mentala a fara sa stii treci prin suflet -- gandirea apartine sufletului ".....sinu este nevoie sa cercetezi deoarece ratiunile tale de creatie se unesc cu ratiunile universal cosmice divine....// in sfarsit...este si un pronume personal tu care se simte - ca om......
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