Ia sa vedem, ce avem noi aici? De ce nu-i lumea intreaga la cap? Ce sondaj putem face noi in aceasta privinta? De ce se fac sondaje, in general? Ce ne spun teoriile sociologice despre substratul cultural care defineste clivajele pe aceasta tema? La ce universitati se studiaza aceasta problema filosofica? De ce vin oamenii aia in halat alb spre mine? De ce este viata atit de dureroasa si are mineci atit de lungi la camasa? De ce pun oamenii aia mina pe mine, ca nu le-am facut nimiiiii ...... aaaaargh .....
Courtesy of Marius Comper, care cu aceasta ocazie am descoperit ca are si el nevoie de o echipa de tehnologi comportamentali cu minecile foaaarte lungi.
Toilet paper orientation
In the article Bathroom Politics: Introducing Students to Sociological Thinking from the Bottom Up, sociology professor Edgar Alan Burns describes some reasons why toilet paper politics is worthy of examination. On the first day of Burns' introductory course in sociology, he asks his students, "Which way do you think a roll of toilet paper should hang?"
In the following fifty minutes, the students examine why they picked their answers, exploring the social construction of "rules and practices which they have never consciously thought about before". They make connections to larger themes of sociology, including gender roles, the public and private spheres, race and ethnicity, social class, and age. Moreover, Burns argues that there is an additional lesson:
Sociologists are often concerned that their discipline is seen merely as an elaboration of the trivial or the obvious. Therefore, the theoretical point illustrated through the paper-hanging exercise is not that small-scale realities are the opposite of big picture sociology, but rather that the big picture does not exist separately "out there." Minor details and "taken for granted" rules and beliefs are the built-in meta-narratives of society, and this is what makes them so powerful.
* * *
A Grand Rapids, Michigan, toilet paper enthusiast named Bill Jarrett argues that previous polls have been too small. He wants a national referendum with a least one million votes, with the result to decide a "national toilet paper hanging way" to be enforced by "the toilet paper police".
Jarrett refuses to reveal his own preference; he even removed the toilet paper from his house's bathrooms before inviting in an AP reporter for an interview. "I'm not saying because I don't want to influence the vote."
Voting requires the purchase of a $5 debate kit. His value proposition to the nation: assuming that one can spend half an hour per year searching for the end of the toilet paper, the United States should save 90 million hours at home per year—and $300 million at the workplace.
* * *
Toilet paper orientation has been used rhetorically as the ultimate issue that government has no business dictating, in letters to the editor protesting the regulation of noise pollution and stricter requirements to get a divorce.
In 2006, protesting New Hampshire's ban on smoking in restaurants and bars, representative Ralph Boehm (R-Litchfield) asked "Will we soon be told which direction the toilet paper must hang from the roll?"
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