Paaaaaainful, I can’t belieeeve you’re obsessin’ about the INEXISTENCE of agin’, ol’ fellow mortal! =)) Come ooooon, get used to it, ‘t’s a by-product of livin’, dear, there’s no trick to avoid it, unless you’re a god (like me =)) ), rein back your fear of gettin’ old, you’re old ALREADY, learn to weather it! =))
6 comentarii:
Paaaaaainful, I can’t belieeeve you’re obsessin’ about the INEXISTENCE of agin’, ol’ fellow mortal! =)) Come ooooon, get used to it, ‘t’s a by-product of livin’, dear, there’s no trick to avoid it, unless you’re a god (like me =)) ), rein back your fear of gettin’ old, you’re old ALREADY, learn to weather it! =))
lol. n-ai intzeles nimic. astea sint amintirile mele din copilarie, doamna.
Bah, eu ma legam strict de alegerea titlului, poza e minunata indiferent din copilaria sau batranetea cui descinde. :D
marfa poza. aia nu-i vaca lui floyd. punk likes it.
Punkerii astia crestin-ortodocsi. Doamne, nici punkerii nu mai sint ce-au fost! Au ajuns sa le placa vacile. Tz tz tz. Ce vremuri. Ce maniere... :)
Pfff... mi-ai adus aminte de lair...
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