The band and [designer] Storm Thorgerson decided that the AHM sleeve be as “unpsychedelic as possible, as un-floyd-like, and completely off the wall”. . . Storm drove through the countryside and photographed the first cow he saw. The result was “the ultimate picture of a cow; it’s just totally cow.” [Storm]
Lulubelle III, the cow who graces the album cover, was a Holstein- Friesian, owned by Arthur Chalke. Mr. Chalke claimed he should have been paid one thousands pounds for Lulubelle's services, but [band manager] Steve O'Rourke dismissed Mr.Chalke's claim.
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Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
2 comentarii:
Bre, ca Lulubelle III n-a fost platita la adevarata valoare nu ma mira. Dar m-a revoltat nedreptatea facuta de Frank Zappa, vacii anonime... Asa ceva... :)))
P.S. Din programul aniversar "A selection of elite Holstein Friesian animals and embryos" eu am o nelamurire. Cum defileaza embryos pe podium? :)
@ Matusalem: Neah. Zappa a fost un nemernic fara inima toata viata sa. Nu a iubit deloc vacile :)
@ Murdoc: Them punks. Comme on, make my day, punk :)
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