Dupa cum unii din voi probabil deja stiu, am colegul asta de camera, Josh, un american cit se poate de american, get-beget 100% din pustiurile codrilor Michiganului, care acum s-a stabilit in pustiurile desertului San Francisco. Numa' niste pustiuri pe acolo, prin America aia, mama lor de salbatici si de primitivi si de inapoiati.
Buuun. Ce-mi scrie azi-dimineata salbaticul meu de Joshua, Josh pentru prieteni?
Iaca ici:
That's a very progressive government. But I would be afraid to tax witches.
Ce-i raspunde turbatu' de Turambar, mama lui de ireverent si de decadent?
We were sick when we were kids. The whole bloody country, that is. Moreover, we were dropped from the craddle and we fell on our heads, when we were kids. The whole bloody country, that is. We are such a litterate people and we read nothing but the Bible, Harry Potter and, some of us, those with a Ph.D. degree, Terry Pratchett.
Therefore, this turns into institutionalized action. Next on line, the question in Parliament would be: how can we turn werewolves useful? Can we harness their prodigious energy? Can we put them to work, perhaps in some law-enforcement agency?
This means to be Romanian. You never get bored.
The bloody Romanian
PS: Now you see why this aka? The bloody Romanian? We're a nation of fantasy critchars: vampires, werewolves, witches and politicians. Each of them stupider and stupider.
Mama lor de telectuali. Astia strica esenta nobila a acestei tari. Ar trebui inchisi toti, pusi pe-un stadion si puscati la foc automat. Ar trebui sa se redeschida canalul ala Dunare - Marea Baltica, sa sape toti la lopata, mama lor de banditi, sa nu mai faca mishteaux de noi, oamenii muncii vrajitoriste.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 3 zile
4 comentarii:
Ai uitat sa-i spui de Sauron...
:) :) :)
lol. good point. good point.
:)) Am ras cu lacrimi. Stiu, nu trebuia.
risu-plinsu, doamna. risu-plinsu...
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