Some time ago, I've promised you I'll share some of the goodies that we have in the deep vaults of KG. Posters, at least, if I cannot offer you the real thing: the movies.
Today is the day, courtesy of them good souls that upped a vast collection of posters on KG.
I start with some Horror, Sci Fi & Exploitation posters, just for the fact that I have them most available right now. Great works of art, for some shitty or, sometimes, great movies. You know: pop culture. Those bloody capitalists and their gory visions. :blink:
The Atomic Monster (1941)
The Curse Of The Cat People (1944)
Destination Moon (1950)
The Man From Planet X (1951)
House Of Wax (1953)
Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954)
Devil Girl From Mars (1954)
Forbidden Planet (1956)
Gojira (1956)
Invasion Of The Saucer Men (1957)
Dracula Prince of Darkness (1966)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Cosa avete fatto a Solange? (1972)
Blood For Dracula (1973)
Dawn Of The Dead (1978)
Mangiati Vivi (1980)
Madman (1982)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
3 comentarii:
Yeah, I miss him, too ... ca să ies din pasa asta, na poftim un pic de Fellini
sau după Andy Warhol mergea şi niţel Rauschenberg? uite-mă în plin "Camp"! brrrr
Waw. Nu-l stiam. Nu am vazut Fellini's Roma. Resplendent. Cocosator de anticlerical. Monty Python sunt mici contabili pe langa el. Promit sa fac un post cu bucatzica asta fascinanta de blasfemie :)
Rauschenberg? Never heard of, until you mentioned him now. Imi aduce aminte de Cornell. Nici pe asta nu l-as fi stiut, de nu citeam Neuromancer, al lui William Gibson. Singura circumstanta atenuanta? Ca am citit Neuromancer acum 15 ani de zile, nu acum o luna, cand l-a republicat Cotidianul.
Txs for enlightening us, Anonymule de Anonyma :)
multzam ptr Fellini's -made my today! insanely fubared , all right:)
ah, desigur, jos cu palaria ptr blog - sunt intr-o prima vizita, din cauza unui prieten care.. stie dom'le....
noroc cu caru'!
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