waw. too many cats. too many cat names. too many cat hairs. it give me the jitters. that's because i generally hate cats. except le chat, bien sur. mais il n'est pas un simple chat. il n'est pas seulement un chat. il est surtout un philosophe. dragul de el...
DEh!...cica vine eclipsa acusica (asa a zis tanti aia de la B1...ca vine eclipsa si ca nu e bine, sa ne abtinem, ca nu stiu ce conjunctie sau disjunctie nu e buna si... etc etc). Asa caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......asa ca nu ma enervez...L-) http://www.despicable.org/ spor...si trafic...
6 comentarii:
A CAT IS NOT A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!
waw. too many cats. too many cat names. too many cat hairs. it give me the jitters. that's because i generally hate cats. except le chat, bien sur. mais il n'est pas un simple chat. il n'est pas seulement un chat. il est surtout un philosophe. dragul de el...
DEh!...cica vine eclipsa acusica (asa a zis tanti aia de la B1...ca vine eclipsa si ca nu e bine, sa ne abtinem, ca nu stiu ce conjunctie sau disjunctie nu e buna si... etc etc). Asa caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......asa ca nu ma enervez...L-)
spor...si trafic...
I know: I'm dethpicable. Thi ma doare thi pithciorul, pe deasupra.
A, BTW: This mins war, you know...
Pai de ce sa zic eu "da"? Nu, zic "Nu". Is chiar bine dispusa asta-seara :D Deci...continuare..."Vasilache si Marioara"...:P
:) Spor si trafic...
:p Oh, no, Oh, no. No. Not again. You won't make me do it again.
Oh, no. You're dethpicable.
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