A lifetime ago, I used to go to the Kalamazoo College. Yeah. Kalamazoo, MI. Fancy name for a fancy place. Go figure. The deep core of the Midwest. The place where they used to torture Injuns. Then, more recently, foreign students.
That's where I've met Josh. Joshua. Joshua Marker. My roommate. I've tortured him one year. He tortured me just twelve months (neah: in fact, formally speaking, just 8 or nine months; the gods were gentler those days).
Now he's a biker, a photographer, a programmer, a writer, a poet and, inevitably, since living for a while with me, and a slightly mad man. Which is good, except for the first part.
He likes to travel worldwide. He even visited Romania. Twice. He's still bearing me an unspoken grudge for trailing him up them bloody Romanian mountains, to climb the bloody Jepi Valley during the night, under the clear light of the moon - the Chinese lantern being fubar-ed at the beginning of the trip. It was wild. We lost the trail twice.
Ceea ce va doresc si domniilor voastre... :)
Here you can find his photo album. And that's him. The whole of him.
I miss him. Sometimes. Then life goes back to normal.
:) :friends:
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
8 comentarii:
da, da, FUBARed, I guess exactly how I feel :) :) :)
Printre poze, amintiri si ganduri...te readuc cu picioarele pe ...teren...mai sondati ?! Ne-ai spus acum vreo patru zile ca intr-o saptamana iesiti pe teren cu un sondaj la nivel national...dar depinde de intelegerea la care veti ajunge cu clientul...ce s-a intaplat ? v-ati inteles...si inca o intrebare: sondajul post-alegeri locale a fost telefonic sau pe teren ? In rest...poze, amintiri...ganduri...
t - daca ai primit aberatia trimisa de ienicerii mailului, ignora. Am tot incercat sa-ti mailez ceva si nu ma lasa, mi se intoarce cu chestia pe care o zic turcaletzii in mesajul tocmai trimis (si care vaz ca nu mi se mai intoarce. Pa.
@ Vera: ienicerii nu mi-au trimis nimic. Am primit in dimineatza asta de la tine de doua ori (la care am raspuns o singura data - scuze :) ). Pe urma nu am mai primit. Mai trebuia vreunul? Poti sa incerci si pe mpalada at yahoo dot com
@ anonimul anonim: nu, intre timp deal-ul de sondaj natzional a cazut. clientul se zgarceshte la ciumperci. la toamna (cand probabil va fi prea tarziu si il va vrea in doua zile. eftin si bun. mama ei de shtiintza :( )
da, sondajul post-alegeri a fost facut telefonic. ceea ce il reduce to smithers, nu'i asha? numai alea facute pe teren, care fie scot PSD-ul peste PD cu 0,5 puncte, cum a facut-o recent ATLE, ori care dau PD-ul la un preposteros 40% (IMAS) sunt bune, nu'i asha, si demne sa le preia presa libera si independenta de orice ingerintze shi lovele? again: mama ei de shtiintza, cum o fac totzi. ca pe curve.
In rest: poze, amintiri, ganduri si alte trasuri de limba. cum ar veni: business as usual, stimabile. itzi faci si tu o treaba, itzi castigi si tu o paine, imi dau si eu drumul la limba si ma simt important. a win-win situation, ain't it?
Eu nu am nici o problema cu faptul ca l-ati facut telefonic...ma mir ca grupul Intact nu prezinta sondaje saptamanale...e un trust mare...Pe de alta parte cele 35% cu care ati creditat PDL nu sunt chiar la o distanta astronomica fata de sondajul IMAS (40%). Despre Atle ce sa mai zic, e sub papucul PSD si nu e nicidecum credibil...
E o poveste lunga, ce nu poate fi spusa aici.
You wily Romanian, someone taught you to use the internet (for something other than playing bridge all night).
You're far too kind (no one has ever said that before) but don't go so far as to call me a poet. That guy is not I.
I wrote a piece 'critiquing' his work and his mom told me I should be ashamed of myself in the comments.
Damn it! He finally found me. That's him! That Tooluser, that's the my bloody American roommate. The ugly face above.
Run, you fools...
PS: I've been always sure that you're a true poet down there, deep within your dark brooding heart. Reading those lines, now I feel comforted: there's still people left on this clumsy world writing worse poetry than my sober attempts.
So, you write poetry. You've never told me...
:) :rofl:
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