Wait till the end of the sequence to understand what the title really means.
Don't worry: it starts slowly, but then it really climaxes fast.
...Ooops. Damn it! Me and my horrible puns.
Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes!! YeEESSS!
:wink: :rofl:
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
2 comentarii:
Stiam. Dar cetitorii mai tineri, nu cred. Asa ca e folositor. Iar filmul merita atentie, chiar daca unii vor cauta numai asa ceva in continut :-D
Uitasem. Barbatii pot sa simuleze o relatie intreaga. Asa ca fetelor, beware.
Remember intr-unul din seria Naked Gun, Leslie Nielsen si Priscilla Priestley se cearta. Isi arunca tot soiul de acuzatii si la sfarsit el o anunta maiestuos "I faked orgasm"
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