The growing length of childhood coevolved with the enlarging of the brain – which has tripled in size over the last 2.5 million years, since the time of the first tool-making hominids – and with the development of complex bonding, which includes friendship, romantic love, parent-child attachment, and loyalty to a group.
As the brain grew bigger, childhood needed to be longer since there was so much to learn. To keep a vulnerable child alive for many years, we evolved strong bonds between parents and children, between mates, within extended family groups, and within bands as a whole – all in order to sustain “the village it takes to raise a child.” Bands with better teamwork outcompeted other bands for scarce resources; since breeding occurred primarily within bands, genes for bonding, cooperation, and altruism proliferated within the human genome.
Numerous physical, social, and psychological factors promote bonding. Let’s focus on physical factors, and then drill down further to examine two chemicals inside your brain:dopamine and oxytocin. Both are neurotransmitters, and oxytocin also functions as a hormone when it acts outside the nervous system.
Courtesy of Camil Stoenescu, acest eretic pe calea evolutionismului, arza-l-ar focu' sa-l arza in durerile flacarilor care ii vor inghiti pe pacatosi, nu s-ar mai satura ateii astia cu blestematiile lor, cu smintelile lor care strica mintea la lume.
Daca vreti sa aflati mai multe despre adevarata cauza a acestei boli care ne apuca pe toti, cititi aici.
Love is in the air
The heart is so unfair
Beware beware
Love is the air.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
4 comentarii:
D-astea chimice mai stim si noi de prin liceu, insa pana acum, and now included, n-am aflat decat cum se face ca sa induci altora activitati ale bucatilor de creier -- eu inca mai astept metodele de inhibare a vietuitoarelor care ne inconjoara si ne fac viata penibila in diverse medii pen'ca nu-si gestioneaza decent chimia din borcanu' sferic, turtit atat la poli, cat mai ales la ecuator. =)) Mai astept. :D
Scheletele alea transpira de dopamina si oxidracusoia. Poza aia a anulat tot articolul. :)
Iar insipizii aia doi, din penultima poza, intotdeauna mi-au inspirat pofta de un bondage, sa-i leg strans si sa-i arunc in stil mafiot pe un teren viran, sa nu-i mai vad. :) :) :)
Misto articolul:-)
Apreciez "probably"-ul de la un moment dat.
Desi in mod cert, creeru e principala unealta de lucru ca sa zic asa , materialu aspura caruia lucreaza pe diverse cai si mijloace ramane eluziv si neiluminat public :P
Ba mie mi-ar fi placut sa ma acheteze donsoara Scully. :-D Si poate de mai multe ori ;-)
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