Adica Aladdin Sane, pentru cei care nu percuteaza la suptilitatzile de joc de cuvinte. Adica Bowie, pentru cei care nu rezoneaza nici la muzica aia de pe vremea cand se facea muzica, nu sgomot si nu stiu ce este Aladdin Sane.
Tlon Society imi face o bucurie de care ma bucur cu adevarat: imi dedica un post despre Bowie. Asta ca sa nu mai spun ca, si mai si, este intru totul alaturi de mine, de noi multzii astia putzinii elitishtii muzicali inutili si snobi cu B care se inchina la triumviratul Bach Bowie Brel. Sfanta Beime.
Drept pentru care adevarat va graesc voo: ducetzi-va si cititzi acest blog decadent si rafinat si velvetizatoundergroundizat si borgesizat. Pe urma ducetzi-va si cititi cvasi-interviul cu Bowie din Esquire. Si pe urma ducetzi-va la morga, sa vedetzi un cadavru, sa intzelegetzi ce este viatza.
Confront a corpse at least once. The absolute absence of life is the most disturbing and challenging confrontation you will ever have.
I'm in awe of the universe, but I don't necessarily believe there's an intelligence or agent behind it. I do have a passion for the visual in religious rituals, though, even though they may be completely empty and bereft of substance. The incense is powerful and provocative, whether Buddhist or Catholic.
Make the best of every moment. We're not evolving. We're not going anywhere.
You're never who you think you are. Sometime in the eighties, an old lady approached me and asked, "Mr. Elton, may I have your autograph?" I told her that I wasn't Elton but David Bowie. She replied, "Oh, thank goodness. I couldn't stand his red hair and all that makeup."
They're never who you think they are. When I first came to America, around 1971, my New York guide told me one day that the Velvet Underground were to play later that night at the Electric Circus, which was about to close. I was the biggest fan in the UK, I believe. I got to the gig early and positioned myself at the front by the lip of the stage. The performance was great, and I made sure that Lou Reed could see that I was a true fan by singing along to all the songs. After the show, I moved to the side of the stage to where the door of the dressing room was located. I knocked, and one of the band members answered. After a few gushing compliments, I asked if I could have a few words with Lou. He looked bemused but told me to wait a second. After only moments, Lou came out, and we sat and talked about songwriting for ten minutes or so. I left the club floating on cloud nine -- a teenage ambition achieved. The next day, I told my guide what a blast it had been to see the Velvets live and meet Lou Reed. He looked at me quizzically for a second, then burst into laughter. "Lou left the band some time ago," he said. "You were talking to his replacement, Doug Yule."
Trust nothing but your own experience.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
6 comentarii:
...the man who sold the world :)
sa nu uit, am si eu o rugaminte/precizare. in stanga, inlocuieste in blogroll cu mi-e mai usor sa urmaresc si sa moderez comentariile. mersi
Teeeeeenchiu for this post, misssster. :)
Mare om nenea Brixton asta, mare om... Pffffff...
brother, sir [ca sa'l citez p'alex delarge]: ur too kind :)
anyway sfanta beime [which u coined] a'nceput sa faca ravagii: in afara de mine, mai sunt vreo 2 care si'au pus [unu pe profile, unu pe lastfm] descrierea asta, succinta. cre c'ai initiat un trend sau ceva :)
:) Asha sa-mi ramana numele: profetul sfintei beimi
turambare, mă înclin prea-plecat în fața meșteșugărimii tale de a îmbina cuvinte.
adaug cu smerenie în pleilist o piesă prea ușor uitată (port of amsterdam) și un blog în feed
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