Deci daca nu va uitati la filmuletzul asta, pe care l-am descoperit courtesy of Rezistentza Urbana si care candideaza la Oscarurile din acest an (filmul, nu Rezistentza Urbana :p ), zau daca nici macar nu stiti ce pierdetz. Inchipuitzi-va ca Tarantino trece printr-un bad bad trip, dupa ce a fost obligat sa participe la un workshop de recalificare profesionala in marketing. Sau ca Pixar tocmai a angajat-o chief artistic supervisor of scripts pe Naomi Klein. Sau ca James Cameron s-a convertit la biserica apocaliptica a miscarii de guerilla subversiv-estetica. Sau ca Banksy s-a apucat de facut filme.
And then everything goez kaboum. Iar Ronald McDonald ii ia locul lui Joker in aceasta lume nebuna nebuna nebuna, maniacu' dracu'...
Pe bune. Cea mai faina surpriza cinefila de care am avut parte this side of the bloody consumerist millenium.
Doamnelor si domnilor, Logorama. Sau shop until you drop. Sau Several species of small furry logos gathered togheter and grooving with disaster.
PS: Ia uite aici un review bine scris:
Logorama is a simple satire but one that does well to capitulate almost a century of corporate culture. It's brought to life by segments of colorfully animated rotor-style 3D animation which punctuates the style of logos with cell-shading. The film's lack of a coherent story is in itself a nod to brainless blockbuster entertainment as it is filled with a number of over-the-top action movie nuances. In light of this, the short has some entertainment in the form of crude comedy and action, but this is all some-what diluted by the shear intended chaos of the film.
In the end, the film did a decent job of pointing a not-so subtle finger at the potential of social decline due to an inundation of consumer culture that feeds on the one thing it promotes.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
5 comentarii:
offtopic: foiletonu'maestre?!? o incheiere cu hepi-and?!
kinda busy now. pentru el am nevoie de o bucata de timp in care sa fiu cu creerul lejer. cel mai probabil maine dimineata? hmmm... :/
Da maestre, take your time.
super misto, multumim!
Lăsînd deoparte faptul că Naomi Klein are să facă alergie şi icter cînd o să vadă filmul ăsta, mulţumesc mult, Turin Turambar, pentru această bijuterie. Mi-a plăcut de-am leşinat. :D
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