... had almost certainly been made in America, as part of the Lend-Lease programme. We [the Americans; n. mea] had shipped a hundred million tons of woollen and coton goods to the Russians. Plus fifteen million pairs of leather boots, four million rubber tyres, two thousand railroad locomotives and eleven thousand freight cars, as well as all the obvious heavy metal like fifteen thousand airplanes, seven thousand tanks, and 375,000 army trucks. All free, gratis, and for nothing. Winston Churchill had called the programme the least sordid in all of history. Legends had grown up around it. The Soviets were said to have asked for condoms, and in an attempt to impress and intimidate, they had specified that they should be eighteen inches long. The U.S. had duly shipped them, in cartons stamped Size: Medium.
So went the story.
Lee Child, Gone Tomorrow, pag. 189, 2009
Jack Reacher, eroul seriei sale de romane, e un dur rau shi nemernic, un galigan ex-MP, dar shi un pontos atunci cand vrea. Ca de exemplu acum, aici, in aceste pagini de o tandretze militara de esceptzie :)
Despre programul Lend-Lease catre Uniunea Sovietica despre care pomeneshte Child / Reacher, aici.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
10 comentarii:
Asta e un raspuns la un comentariu. :-)
multam de info. nu știam de tip
@ Dan: :) Nu stiu nimic. Nu spun nimic. Nu e vina mea. Rushii sunt de vina... :)
@ Camil: always glad to help you, mate :)
De la Suhoi 50 vine. Mai bine nu le dadeau nimic.
Da, si daca nu le dadeau? N-ai vazut ca si-au luat ei singuri? Bomba atomica, ce le-a dat-o americanii?
Mama lor... :(
ee, treaba cu bomba e cam dubioasă, că n-a scos-o Kurceatov din buzunar. au spionat masiv proiectul Manhattan (Klaus Fuchs șamd)
18 inches, adica 45 de cm ?
Yup. Great conversion skills, mate :)
Probabil erau calauziti de Lenin: prin ea insasi, cantitatea se transforma in calitate !
Las' c-au dat de nevoie, nu de voie. C-altfel le ciocaneau avant la lettre nemtzii cu dirijabilu' in Empire State ...
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