Hei, unde mama naibii esti? Hei, am nevoie de tine! Vino'ncoace sa te intreb ceva.
Cam asa m-am trezit eu in dimineata asta, cand mi-am verificat mailul. Mda, ce sa fac? Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste. M-am logat, m-am conectat, m-am uitat la mesajul lui.
Ia uita'te tu la tipa asta, e nemaipomenit de frumoasa si de desteapta si de atractiva si e romanca s-ar putea sa fie interesata de mine. Ajutoor! Ce sa fac? Spune-mi cum sunt fetele romane, ca eu nu stiu. Sa ii povestesc despre rugby, sau e doar o chestie de-aia de-a ta? Ii plac tipii haiosi. Sa-i povestesc despre Cioran?
Hmmm. Mda. Pai cum sa-ti escplic eu, draga occidentalule, despre misterele fetelor romane, ca dracului nici eu inca n-am terminat de analizat acest subiect vast de cercetare?
Hmmm. Lemme think. Ia sa zicem noi asha asha:
lol. :)
Nope. Rugby is not such a big thing here in Romania. Don't. Football is the name of the game. But I don't think intense football talking should fit the funny guy image. Stop.
There are two types of girls, for what I know. Ones that love successful guys. That love succcess and quality of life and entrepreneurship, in fact. The ideas, hence the men that embodies them. That's why they left the country. These I would call the Western Weberian protestant type. They like efficiency and professionalism and composure.
There are others that love knowledge and erudition and especially and especially authenticity. Be yourself, don't wear a mask. Don't overdo it, don't try to pretend that you are something that you are not. These I would call the solar happy hippie artistic type. They like psychology, you know. They like sensible movies. They like feelings. Speak them about feelings, and you might get some sex :) But don't be too pompous and pretentious and don't play with that Cioran book. Cioran is depressive and grim. Girls should be fun. Sex should be fun. Perhaps even love should be fun. :p
Unfortunatelly, there is a third type. The ones that do not fit either of the two afore-mentioned ideal types. About them, mate, I really don't know anything. We still perform research on that matter. Here I follow Wittgenstein's advice: about what is not known, we should be silent.
A, almost forgot: you have to be athletic and good-looking and handsome and rich and adventurous and funny and risk-taking and sensible and a good hunter and especially and especially a good good excellent lover to have any chance with Romanian girls.
Are you? :)
PS: Joking, mate, joking. Good luck with your girl. Just be yourself. The typology is real and serious. The rest - just a fabrication of my wandering mind. Be yourself and scream from the top of your lungs: I'm daaaaAAAAAting a RomaaaAAAAnian giiiiIIIIrl! I friggin fraggin rule!
Voi ce zicetz? Am zis bine?
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
18 comentarii:
da, ai zis bine, dar (ce oroare), nu ai dat cifre. Adeca nu ai stabilit universul (ba, l-ai stabilit) si nu ai comunicat proportiile ocupate de cele trei categorii... Eu cred ca primele au undeva pe 7-8%, a doua categorie putin mai putin (nu mult mai putin), iar a treia e restul. si nevasta-mea e acolo. si te completez: about we don't know we should be silent and obedient.
Moooooooooor. =))
Veru' Turambar, meriti o replica romantica la Kubrick, around a tagline like How to assault a Romanian girl, under a title like Dr. Strangestlove.
Meriti flori, mai! :))
am dat de postul asta imediat dupa ce am citit in NY Times o selectie de anunturi matrimoniale din New York-ul secolului 19. Favoritul meu:
A young lady of 18, wealthy, pretty and agreeable, wants a husband. Not finding any one of her acquaintance who suits her, she has concluded to take this method of discovering one. The happy gentleman must be wealthy, stylish, handsome and fascinating. None other need apply. Address within three days, giving name and full particulars, and enclosing carte de visite, Carrie Howard, Station D, New York.
June 5, 1863
e ca în Creangă, povestea lui Stan-Pățitul..:)
Inca rad:)) Deci ai merita sa scrii o rubrica in revistele pentru femei. Ce zici?
I was damn sure there was a third type! I couldn't see myself in the first two...
But you know what? You last piece of advice that you gave to your mate is definitely applicable with the "third set" as well. Hmm.....
Nu am nici cea mai vaga idee cine esti, dar imi placi... Mult!
I'll be following you.
E, ie ca sunt bun? Ce mai, ma pricep la femei aproape la fel de bine cum ma pricep shi la cai.
Deci, Irina, cand primesc rubrica aia de sfaturi necesare, dar inutile pentru femei? Ash face un rating gorgeous :) :p
@ Anonim: tell me you're a woman, pls... :)
@ Sim: Tell me you're a woman, pls. :)
Desigur. Esti. Extraordinar. De genial. Shi. Shi. Precum shi.
Let's not push it!
An afterthought: nici nu pot sa INCEP sa ma gindesc cum ar fi sa fie toate persoanele care vrei tu femei, sa te aduleze si adoreze si sa trebuie sa te descurci cu ele.
Mai ales daca sint in grupurile 1 si 2, unde damele nu se lasa pina nu obtzin ce doresc.
:) E clar. Il intzeleg pe Descartes atunci cand spunea ca un intzelept care a fost: starnesc indignarea femeilor, deci exist.
:) :) :)
mai ai inca pana sa le afli pe toate...
saptamana usoara.
Ce ai spune sa scrii un guespost pe blogul meu despre femei de cate ori ai timp? eu sunt incantata de idee. Tu?:P
Eu? I'd be delighted. Cand incepem?
Si azi putem incepe....anunta-ma.
For Turambar:
Nu am spus nici ca esti bun, nici ca te pricepi la femei. Am spus doar ca imi placi. Fara sa stiu cum arati si cine esti exact. Ai inteles, acum?
Nu ai inteles? ...Shit ~x(
P.S. Anonim = Sim (I mean, that's me!)
@ Sim / Anonim: Damn it. Eu am spus-o in spirit de gluma. Tu o iei in serios si te imbufnezi. Hai, doamna, nu te supara. Stiu ca ma placi... :)
:) :friends:
@ Irina: Damn it. Incep sa ma treaca transpiratziile cand ma gandesc ca vorbesti serios. Guest post despre femei?
Hmmm. Lemme think. Ma lasi sa bag si niste grafice cu evolutzii electorale, ca sa ma simt si eu pe-un teritoriu ceva-ceva mai cunoscut?
:) :rofl:
Hai ca te las sa iti revii si dupa aia vorbim:))
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