Acum ceva timp va provocam sa va uitati inlauntrul sufletului vostru alb-negru si color si sa va ginditi care sint filmele voastre preferate.
Acum e vremea sa ne indragostim nu doar punctual, ci sistematic. Nu doar filme, ci regizori. Care sint regizorii vostri preferati?
Ai mei, de mult timp, sint astia. Inviu o lista veche de ani de zile de pe KG. Recitind-o, imi dau seama ca nu simt nevoia sa schimb o virgula la ea.
* * *
OK. It's high time to have this one too. Let's keep the format proposed by ScreaminJay - 10 nominations, from 1 to 10, no tie-ins. I also propose you to write a short justification: why do you keep that director is such a high esteem? If you feel like, pls also give some other name that didn't quite make your list, but that are close.
Here I start:
My personal best 10 directors
1. John Huston - for guts. for Asphalt Jungle. for The Man Who Whould Be King. for stamina. for everything
2. Akira Kurosawa - for the enlightenment he gave me with a bowman in the rain
3. Charles Chaplin - for humanity and laughters
4. Billy Wilder - because nobody's perfect :P
5. John Ford - for making us discover the John Wayne within us
6. Fritz Lang - from Metropolis and Nibelungen to Westerns to Film Noir
7. Federico Fellini - for making me desperate while making me laugh.
8. Sam Peckinpah - for bullet-driven angst. for Straw Dogs.
9. Woody Allen - from Annie Hall to Zelig
10. Andrei Tarkovsky - for the un-words
With would-be closes:
- Takeshi Kitano
- Stanley Kubrick
- Peter Greenaway
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Anthony Mann
- William Wyler
- Nicholas Ray
- Werner Herzog
- Robert Aldrich
- Fred Zinnemann
- Jules Dassin
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Michael Curtiz
- Leni Riefenstahl
- Bob Fosse
- Pedro Almodovar
- Howard Hawks
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
8 comentarii:
Mie imi plac si: Spielberg, Nicolaescu, Tarantino, Caranfil.
Wow ce lista ! thanks
Sidney Lumet, Abbas Kiarostami, Kar Wai Wong, o completare. Si Ridley Scott, sa nu uit.
Terry Gilliam pentru tot
Shyamalan - in special pentru Unbreakable si Sixth Sense, fie hai si cu The Village
Woody Allen pentru Take the Money and Run!, Purple Rose of Cairo...etc. (sic!)
Mel Brooks pentru toate comediile si musical-urile (un monument, ce mai!)
Chaplin, Welles, Gilliam, Allen, Eastwood.
Bai, omule, misto ca iti deschizi sufletu asa. Multumesc pentru asta.
Uite, mi-am re-improspatat si io lista cu filme de vazut, doar parcurgind lista ta.
La ce ai zis tu, chestii impecabile fara indoiala, as adauga:
Michelangelo Antonioni - pentru liniste.
Daneliuc - pentru Glissando
Kevin Smith - pentru Clerks, care e noua mea casa.
@ All: Mersi pt liste si aprecieri.
@ George: Clerks, noua mea casa? lol. that's a funny house, omule :)
1. Woody Allen -for being my best cinematic friend;
2. The Coen Brothers -fun loving geniuses;
3. Paul Thomas Anderson -for putting back the a in auteur;
4. Robert Altman -for nobody dared to have so many characters in a single frame;
5. Martin Scorsese -the american film director;
6. Orson Welles -for he is Orson Welles - the magician;
7. Ingmar Bergman -for all the whispers that I've heard and for all the cries that I've cried;
8. Federico Fellini -for choosing to became an adjective instead of an engineer;
9. Quentin Tarantino -for anyone is allowed one weakness;
10. Jean-Luc Godard (pre-1970) -for Anna Karina and for rejuvenating the cinema.
-Stanley Kubrick
-Kar Wai Wong
-Corneliu Porumboiu
-Steven Spielberg
-Akira Kurosawa
-Francois Truffaut
-Pedro Almodovar
-Lucian Pintilie (for the best romanian movie ever)
and many more...
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