Gindul nostru este alaturi de ei. Nu doar alaturi de curajosii din vapor care incearca sa scape de tsunami, ci de toti japonezii care sint atinsi de aceasta mare scuturatura a monstrului Mama Natura.
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Mi se rupe inima de ei.
Oricum, the vaguely redeeming thought este ca nu s-a intimplat in alta parte: japonezii sint obishnuitzi cu cutremurele, au diverse sisteme de protectzie (care lipsesc in alte tzari, mai backward si mai sarace) si sint organizatzi si disciplinatzi.
Vai de noi. Fire de nisip, de fapt, in jocul mare nu contam. Sobering concept.
Hm, nu stiu daca cineva de pe planeta este pregatit pentru un cutemur de 8.9 si tzunami de 10m. Scara asta Richter nu este suficient de expresiva, e comprimata logaritmic si nu ofera o imagine a imensei cantitati de energie despre care vorbim.
Sper sa rezolve problema cu reactoarele alea, am inteles ca si fratii americani s-au implicat in chestiune. Sper ca ajung cu killerele alea la timp.
Altfel exista o vaga posibilitate sa vedem cat de mica este planeta asta.
Eu nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce s-ar intampla la noi la un cutremur similar celui din 1977 din Romania.
Japonezii au imobile construite special sa reziste la cutremure.
Azi ziceau la stiri ca sunt scurgeri radioactive la o centrala nucleara din Japonia.
@ Matusalem: :(
@ Vera: Mda. Ai dreptate. Sobering thought, milady :(
@ Pongo: Da, aia e problema acum. Sa nu faca vavavoum :(
@ Cristi: Se vor darima multe blocuri, vor muri multi oameni, va fi multa smulgere de par si jale, dar si mult cacat mincat la televizor. Au mai trecut si altii prin asta, si nu de mult timp: turcii, italienii. Popoare aproximativo-balcanico-latine. Bine naibii ca nu sintem chiar ca amaritii aia de haitieni. Sintem intr-o haita de aproximitate mediocra de rang mediu, nu la extremele ticalosiei si nepriceperii :(
Deci Turambar, da, daca ne prinde vreo "situatie" pe la cernavoda astia de la tv o sa trimita toti romanii la plimbare.
Deabia reusisem sa calmez un prieten care ma intreba daca am cumva buncar, ca au inceput astia sa "esplice" cum a explodat reactoru'.
Here's a few "reality checks" on the coverage coming from the press.
1. The "Coolant" is water , regular everyday water
So the story being circulated about the US flying in "coolant" is fake
What is being flown in is a special fluid , its basically a "liquid control rod." Its composed of neutron absorbing materials ( like boron ) suspended in small microscopic plastic beads, Japan has some of this fluid on hand at the plant , but more is being flown in "just in case".
You pump it into the core , the plastic beads stick to the hot fuel plates and coats them in a layer of neutron absorbing materials....rapidly shutting down the heat being generated by the core. Since the material makes it impossible to ever restart the power plant , without completely replacing the power core , its only done as a last resort.
2. There's four different ways to cool the core
a. The normal coolant pumps ,knocked out by the earthquake.
b. Emergency pumps , the diesels that power these were knocked out by the earthquake
c. A convection system , its very limited , its mainly intended to buy time for options "a" or "b" to be brought on-line if both get knocked out
d. Venting steam (nobel gasses) ...this is a process where you let steam out of the primary coolant loop , it works very well , the problem is your releasing coolant out of the core. The steam is most commonly termed as nobel gasses, most of which the steam release will be.
Its not as radioactive as you think it would be, but it is slightly more radioactive than a house brick (which is more radioactive than you probably think).
This is a VERY serious situation , theres about a 1% chance this will end badly. But it would be so bad that a 1% chance is still scary as hell.
3. There haven't been any "Fuel element Failures"... yet
(This is the term for "Meltdown")
there haven't been any leaks ...yet
The reports of radiation being "1000 times higher than normal" is fake. If the rad levels (radiation levels measured in PPM (parts per million) were 1000 times above normal, everyone in the control room would be dead. In example,
To give an example, radiation levels at 200 ppm would be enough to kill a normal human being. Over the course of a year, a person is only able to withstand about 100 under given xray type of conditions and this is spread out over the course of that year.
Gamma Rays, primary some of the worst in nuclear reactions,for instance, can be considered the same as Xrays and are quite similar in wave patterns. Generally travelling in Horizontal rather than Vertical Wave Lengths. Thus why it is always a safe idea to be underground, or below ground level during nuclear emergencies.
But the "convection cooling system" that was spoken on above, is falling behind in cooling the core Temperature and pressure is building inside. If they dont get the pumps online , or vent some steam soon They will be forced to use the "liquid control rod" or risk a "Three Mile Island."
Fortunately this type of reactor isn't capable of a "Chernobyl" type of failure. Though "Three Mile Island" was bad enough.
@Richard: Aia cu "coolantu" a fost data cred pentru specialisti.
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