duminică, 6 iunie 2010

Stance: Old-fashioned madness

4 comentarii:

Florin Pîtea spunea...

You don't want to trust him with your car keys.

Turambar spunea...

Unless he'll thrust his evil eye upon you.
In which case you won't give him your car keys, but your purse, your future, your heart and fate.


Itzicbaseanu spunea...

Hai sictir Turi draga...!

Itzicbaseanu spunea...

Bai Turi, eu am crezut ca te referi la mine, ca prieten, cind colo tu, i-auite la ce te referi:

Henry Clay, Sr. (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852), was a nineteenth-century American statesman and orator who represented Kentucky in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, where he served as Speaker. He also served as Secretary of State from 1825 to 1829.

Bine bai Turi, nici Caragiale n-avea de unde sa stie cine e Clei asta, d-apai io!...

Te pup,
da nu pa d-arindu'!

Ia zi, pana la urma, ti-ai gasit "chia da la masina" ?...Ba, uituci e oamenii!!!