joi, 17 iunie 2010

Bloody true, if you'd ask me

WSJ: Bang & Olufsen's incoming CEO, Kalle Hvidt Nielsen, believes strongly in customer feedback, focus groups and the like. What do you think?

MR. LEWIS: I think you can't go out and ask people what they need or want because they don't know. The whole trick is to come out with a product and say, "Have you thought of this?" and hear the consumer respond, "Wow! No, I hadn't." If you can do that, you're on.

David Lewis, Bang & Olufsen designer,
Wall Street Journal interview, Talking About Design

* * *
Interviu descoperit via acest articol dementzial de foarte cel mai ecsceptzional, prin care ni se atrage atentzia asupra inerentelor limitari ale cercetarii: Steve McKee, The Perils of Market Research

Auzitzi, bre clientzi bre care vretzi ca cercetarea sa suplineasca si creatzia, si distributzia, si productzia, si toate cele? Tz tz tz. Ce oameni. Ce manageri. Ce dictatori schiopi la creer.


6 comentarii:

Anca spunea...

Zise Henry Ford:
If I had asked people what they wanted,
they would have said faster horses.
Aia e.

Turambar spunea...


Anonim spunea...

Mai exista si clientzi ?!?!?!

Turambar spunea...

Au mai ramas vreo doi, la frigider. Pe restul i-am mincat, ca se stricau...


Anonim spunea...

mireille, clientu are dreptu sa plateasca. si atat.

Turambar spunea...

Da, dar daca plateste, asta nu inseamna ca pe urma nu putem sa-l gatim. La foc mic...
