Adica pentru aia care stiu cine sunt Dallaglio si Ben Cohen si Martin Johnson.
Courtesy of BBC.
Crouch Touch Pause Engage!
A rugby referee died and went to heaven.
Stopped by St Peter at the gates he was told that only brave people who had performed heroic deeds and had the courage of their convictions could enter.
If he could describe a situation in his life where he had shown these characteristics, he would be allowed in.
"Well," said the ref, "I was controlling a game between Wales and England in Cardiff.
"Wales were two points ahead with a minute to go. Ben Cohen made a break, passed inside to Martin Johnson. Johnson was driven on by his forwards, before he passed out to Lawrence Dallaglio who went over in the corner.
"But Dallaglio dropped the ball before he could ground it. As England were clearly the better side all game, I ruled that he had got it down and awarded the try."
"Ok, that was fairly brave of you, but I will have to check it in the book," said Peter, before disappearing to look it up.
When he came back he said: "Sorry, there's no record of this. Can you help me to trace it? When did all this happen?"
The ref looked at his watch and replied: "Forty-five seconds ago."
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
4 comentarii:
Taaaaaaaaaare! :-)
Cred insa ca ar fi mers mai bine poanta daca actiunea se petrecea intr-un meci impotriva Irlandei, pe Croke Park (n-am nimic cu galezii tai, dar rivalitatea anglo-irlandeza e mai mare, cu un istoric mult mai sangeros, iar Croke Park e un simbol in sine, datorita Bloody Sunday).
Anyway, m-am bucurat enorm ca Jonno a iesit totusi bine din turneu si ca va avea liniste sa creeze pentru Anglia o echipa care fie din nou cea mai puternica din Nord. Mai mult de atat nu se poate, pentru ca daca NZL va pierde RWC 2011 la ea acasa, ar fi o surpriza mai mare decat atunci cand Brazilia a pierdut CM pe Maracana in 1950!
Haide, dom'le... :( Macar la ei acasa sa nu li se inmoaie gladiolele motivatzionale si sa fie si ei in stare sa castige al doilea trofeu.
Tz tz tz. Ce tzi'e si cu nasoii ashtia care tzin cu Anglia. Ce specie pernicioasa de oameni. Ce imperialishti. Ce arogantzi. In loc sa tzii cu o natziune mandra celtica, oprimata de asupritorii anglo-saxoni.
Tz tz tz, spuse Turambar, purtand un tricou cu maneca lunga alb, cu trandafir roshu in piept
:) Pe bune: chiar acum sunt imbracat intr'un tricou de'al englezilor. Sunt inconsecvent si fatzarnic shi ipocrit, nu'i asha?
We shall never surrender!
:) Te rog fii mai explicit. Cine spune asta, cu "We shall never surrender"? Celtul din tine care nici macar nu stii ca'l ai? Sau francezul din garda imperiala a lui Napoleon, luptandu'se cu huliganii lui Wellington?
Huooo. Britanicule. Englezule. Huooo.
:) :p :rofl:
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