A hearty pledge for keeping our childs' creativity alive.
"Our schools main finality is to make university professors out of every child."
"The educational system takes the children, gradually focuses on them from the waist up, then only on the head, slightly only on one part of it".
"If you go in every educational system of the world, you will encounter the same pecking order. First comes mathematics and languages. Then humanities. Then, at the bottom of the hierarchy, the arts. And the arts too have their pecking order. First come the visual arts and music. Then drama, then dance."
You know what? You should get yourselves a break and use 20 minutes of your life listening to Sir Ken Robinson about the need for creativity: Do schools kill creativity?
Courtesy of Vera, whom I thank again for making us discover it.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
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7 comentarii:
I am glad you appreciated it. Really!
:) :bow: :friends:
Ce mă bucur că acest talk circulă sprinţar pe net! L-am diseminat şi eu pe la prieteni (prin diverse mijloace) şi am amintit de el acum vreo două săptămâni într-o însemnare despre compunerile de clasa a III-a.
De fapt, de la Sir Ken Robinson mi-a venit ideea să creez Page Marker-ul, care nu a tentat pe nimeni deocamdată :)
Cum e la Bristol? Tot frumos? Tot englezesc?
frumos, desi un pic rough on the edges & foarte englezesc :)
Rough on the edges? Nu'i bai: face bine la ten.
Englezesc? Nu'i bai: face bine la minte.
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