'Opa. 'Opaaa! Stai asha ca nu'i asha... Coane Fanica, arde peste tot!
Sau, in termeni gomoshi: acest diferential demografic care pe noi o sa ne puna in genunchi in urmatorii 50 de ani functioneaza cu aceeasi putere si la alte case mai rasarite.
Germania, o tara europeana care, dupa Eurostat si UN World Population Fund, va avea parte de una din cele mai mici scaderi demografice on the long run, de fapt are o mare problema. Pardon: o maaaaare problema. Aceasta stabilitate demografica pe termen mediu ascunde in interiorul sau doua evolutii distincte: the Germans go down, while the Muslims go up. Ca la noi, stimati mameluci care nu facetzi copii, ca la noi: romanii la vale, tziganii din ce in ce mai multzi.
Aceste ganduri de jale si de napasta wagneriana sunt generate nu cum v'atzi fi asteptat domniile Dvs., de documentarea pe care o tot fac de ceva zile pentru referatul final, ci pur si simplu de o lectura intamplatoare de duminica. Stau eu ca tot omul intelectual, imi beau agale stacana de cafea, incerc sa ignor zgomotele de film de groaza pe care le provoaca un film cu Winnie The Pooh pe calculatorul celalalt, la care se uita Andra, si citind editia electronica a lui The Economist, si peste ce dau? Peste apocalipsa, maica. Peste suferintza, coane. Peste viitor, Fanica. Peste moartea pasiunii germane si a matarangii teutonice. Cum ar veni: ce a reusit sa puna stavila marele Charlemagne cel mare acum ... acum... lemme think .... acum aproape 1,300 de ani, uite ca reusesc insidios noile valuri de migratie pasnica din zilele noastre.
Pasnica, pasnica, dar pana cand? Unele comentarii din articol spun: pana cand musulmanii cei habotnici le vor taia nemtilor dreptul la bere si la wursti. Atunci sa vezi razboi si violentza si sange si suspin si tunuri si tancuri si otravuri si terorism si scrashnet de dintzi si smulgere de par si cadavre si dezmembrari: cand nemtzii nu vor mai putea sa bage pe supt nas mici si bere.
Restul e durere. Parere. Manere. Iar tema articolului, educatia religioasa, pare small insignificant fry pe langa principala problema: cea demografica, in contextul tensiunii etnice si culturale. Si uite asa revenim la etnicitate, la rasa, la religie si la vestita fraza din postarile anterioare: "imigratie compatibila cultural".
De unde, frate, de unde, compatibila cultural? Cand tuturor compatibililor culturali de prin zona asta indo-europeana a lumii li s'a pus pata sa nu mai faca pui, ci sa stea sa o frece post-modern. De unde? Din Asia Centrala. Din China. Din Turcia. Din Iran, Irak si din toate Stan-urile pamantului.
Tz tz tz. Aracan de Europa asediata. Fortareatza lu peshte...
Articolul din The Economist aici: God and Berlin. Religious education in Germany. Comentariile aici.
Pasaje semnificative:
By American standards, German culture wars are mild affairs. A spat in Berlin over teaching religion in schools may be an exception. Next month the city will vote on whether schools should teach the subject as an alternative to an ethics course. The debate is only partly about how God fits into the classroom; it is also about how Muslims fit into Berlin.
In most of Germany, the constitution already makes religious instruction part of the curriculum (secular students can opt out). But Berlin and two other states are exempt. The city’s godlessness was shaken in 2005 by the “honour killing” of a young Turkish woman. As an antidote, Berlin’s government brought in a non-religious ethics course a year later.
The debate is over whether religious teaching fosters or hinders tolerance. Pro-Reli’s critics fear that separating schoolchildren by religion may undermine social peace. Supporters retort that people with strong religious convictions respect faith, whatever its form. Christoph Lehmann, Pro-Reli’s leader, defines tolerance as “accepting everyone as he is”. The left, he says, belittles religious differences and calls that tolerance.
What everyone shares is an obsession with Muslims, who account for over half the students in parts of the city. The ethics course is partly meant to snuff out incipient violent radicalism. But it leaves many children learning the Koran from teachers who have little stake in German society. Better, says Pro-Reli, to bring it into school, where German-speaking teachers can impart Islam under the state’s watchful eye.
That Pro-Reli has got so far is a success in a city one sociologist calls “the world capital of atheism”. Some 60% of Berliners profess no religion, a tendency stronger in the ex-communist east than in the bourgeois west.
Si comentarii semnificative:
Ever since Frederic II of Prussia, religious education in Berlin schools was more to serve the “reason of state“ than the “reason of church”. Frederic II openly joked about religion as “just another superstitious disguise” or, as he once stated, “the dumbing down of the human race”. But this thoroughly secular monarch still allowed religious education in Prussia’s schools. Why? : - Because he didn’t trust the clerics . . . as simple as that. Frederic II preferred to let the state somehow supervise the religious education of his young subjects (and future soldiers) rather than leave this to the churches and synagogues itself.
To try to rein in the hundreds of thousands of young Muslim Berliners is just a continuation of this Prussian tradition: “for the reason of state’s sake“. . . and because of the deep mistrust about what happens behind those mysterious Koran-school doors.
I think the Germans might wake up when demands for bans on pork and beer start to get too loud. I doubt they'll let Muslims have their way when it comes to that.
Germany is a walking dead nation. The natives don't reproduce and the immigrants do. So in the future, who will determine the character of the society they share?
I guess that depends on who wins the Yugoslavia-style ethnic/religious civil war they'll eventually have.
schlagmich, you seem determined to be confused. Look at the birthrates and look at the increasing violence, demands, and cultural self-assertion among many Muslims.
- At 5% of the population (Germany, UK) you get some sharia and the annual terrorist plot to blow up innocent people
- At 10% (France) you get large no-go zones and low-level civil disorder in the form of constant car burnings that reach a cresendo on certain days when hundreds to thousands are burned
- At 20% or so (Yugoslavia) you get civil war
I'm not "obsessed with an imminent Armageddon." I am looking at European demographics and social trends objectively and seeing current trends leading to disaster. Whether its 10, 20, 50 years away. I dont know. But I can tell you for sure Muslims are breeding much faster than Europeans and the minority will keep expanding until there is a conflict at the point the 2 cultures cannot stand eachother.
Whats worrying is how Europeans think any discussion about restricting immigration is inherently racist, hateful, or fascist and cannot be tolerated in the public discourse. This way of thinking prevents them from 1) acknowledging there is a demographic problem 2) trying to solve it. Perhaps this mindset is the source of your confusion: uncomfortable facts are unable to be processed by self-restricted, ideological thinking.
The atheists have as little hope demographically as they do spiritually. Muslims will be the majority in a few decades or less and every pupil will be instructed in the teachings of Islam. Goodbye, old Germany.
PS: Alte articole despre acelasi subiect (etnicitate, musulmani, religie), in aceeasi editie a revistei:
vesti nasoale din Anglia: Islamic Education: A long, long lesson
combinate cu vesti nasoale din Franta: France ethnic minorities. To count or not to count
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
5 comentarii:
Am zis io ca blogul tinde sa devina serios. Si nimeni nu m-a crezut. Caci multe posturi actuale is ...altfel. Cum?! Hmm...asta io nu o stiu a o defini (cu un "i"). BTW: Din masina cea noo se vede asa...pe street cate femei is cu voal/fular pe cap in Bucu? Si nu, nu imi zice mie ca pana acu erau. Ca erau da' parca s-au inmultit oarescum.
Mda...Hai ca tac.
Hai sa vedem commenturile la postul asta :)
Azi in parc parca numai minoritari erau, 'tu'i mama ma'sii de perceptzie selectiva.
Da, serios. Ca si al tau: dintr'o data roz si artistic.
Tz tz tz. Ce schimbari paradigmatice, bre cuconitza bre...
:) :p
Asta pentru schimbari...de termeni plurisemantici (I hate "paradigm"... ca termen ultra-uzitat si folosit peste tot-e ceva de merge si la cartea de filosofie si la cartea lu' Sanda Marin si la cartea de fizica si la cartea de feng-shui si la si la de iti vine sa il interzici).
In ceea ce priveste perceptia...mda..ata' ete' realitatea nu "iluzia". Aici se cam termina cartea si ideile din ea, nu?!
Si..ma rog, nu mai zic nada de scosul limbii ca n-are sens.
nu, nu-l cunosc pe Gabi, citesc doar (majoritatea) postarilor tale. fiind o mare amatoare (:)) de Maroc, dar si de munte, am fost de doua ori mai atenta. sunt 'corcitura' - romano-germana, adica cu probleme de crestere demografica:).
merita sa studiezi fenomenul de scadere demografica suprapus cu cresterea nivelului de trai. in Germania, tragedia demografica a inceput de mult de tot, nu degeaba aduc ei muncitori din alte tari deja din deceniul 6-7 al secolului trecut (bine, se mai resimteau dupa decimarea pe care au suferit-o si ei din cauza razboiului:()
iar cat despre compatibilitatea culturala: gandeste-te ca,desi au avut tara plina de italieni, de rezistat au rezistat turcii => compatibilitatea nu e data de rasa/religie/trecut comun, ci de impartasirea acelorasi valori, iar dpdv al harniciei, al 'parolismului', al tuturor asa-numitelor caracteristici al poporului german, turcii sunt mai apropiati de nemti decat italienii:) (le-am tras-o italienilor, ca prea se iau de noi in ultimul timp:)
:) La asta cu propensiunea spre facut lucruri, cu etica musulmana a muncii trebuie sa recunosc ca nu m'am gandit. Mama lor de macaronari...
:) Ma bucur ca'tz place blogul. Nemtzoaico! :)
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