Deci asha ceva nu e posibil. Deci foaaaaarteeee taaaareeee, pupa'tzi'ash (cum ar spune in plina retorica pitzi cine shtiu eu). Deci nemaipomenit: un egzemplu egzemplar de retorica vizuala, de aplicatzie a paradigmei ochiometrice in comunicarea interdepartamentala.
Deci pentru totzi fratziorii mei care se ishi tocesc lentilele de contact si'shi rup mouse'ul pe Power Point si pe Excel si pe Infosys si pe SPSS si pe ce mama naibii mai concoctatzi voi acolo.
Deci pentru voi, cei care apreciatzi un slide cu culori tzipatoare si cu graficele unul intr'altul, pentru voi, cei care stapanitzi misterele celor 6 randuri de bullete in pagina, cu maximum 6 cuvine per bulett, pentru voi, fratziorii mei, si surioarele mele, si colegele si colegii mei si pupa'v'ash eu talpile de shefi shi de clientzi care nu stietzi sa citeshte si sa aprecieshte un Power Point cum trebuie.
Deci pentru totzi voi, o truditori ai sortzii: fara numar.
Courtesy of Norvig (cititi si continuarea: PowerPoint: shot with its own bullets. E la fel de haios si de caustic).
And now please welcome President Abraham Lincoln.
Good morning. Just a second while I get this connection to work. Do I press this button here? Function-F7? No, that's not right. Hmmm. Maybe I'll have to reboot. Hold on a minute. Um, my name is Abe Lincoln and I'm your president. While we're waiting, I want to thank Judge David Wills, chairman of the committee supervising the dedication of the Gettysburg cemetery. It's great to be here, Dave, and you and the committee are doing a great job. Gee, sometimes this new technology does have glitches, but we couldn't live without it, could we? Oh - is it ready? OK, here we go:
Speaker Notes
[Transcribed from voice recording by A. Lincoln, 11/18/63]
These are some notes on the Gettysburg meeting. I'll whip them into better shape when I can get on to my computer.
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
PS: Pentru cine nu stie, asta este The Gettysburg Address. A lu' nenea ala care a fost impuscat ca s'a dus la teatru. Mama lui de artist cu joben.
PPS: Joke aside: tocmai l'am (re)descoperit pe Edward Tufte. Omul, fost profesor de stiinte politice si de statistica (does it ring a bell?), s'a specializat incetul cu incetul in stiinta exprimarii grafice a ideilor. Grafice exprexive. Retorica vizuala. Visual desing. E o forta a naturii. Cautati si cititi despre el. Mi'l amintesc pe Joshua, colegul meu de camera de la Kalamazoo, intrand surexcitat in camera cu un exemplar nou-nout al cartii Envisioning Information. Uitasem de ea, si intamplarea mi'a scos'o in cale.
Dar nici The Visual Display of Quantitative Information nu este deloc de lepadat. Ba chiar din contra, este mai importanta pentru noi, astia care toata ziua avem de'a face cu reprezentarea grafica a rezultatelor, decat prima. Un adevarat manual. Asha da, asha nu. Best practices. Eleganta si simplitate.
Acum imi dau seama de cine au fost influentati cei de la The Economist in stilul graficelor lor.
Neaparat de cautat si de citit.
Lecții de empatie de la non umanii mei
Acum o zi
3 comentarii:
Vad ca lipseste slide-ul cu point of contact: cimitiru buna vestire, parcela 14, etc
hehe, misto!
înseamnă că o să-ţi placă Hans Rosling:
si asta(bonus: se termină cu Rosling pe post de înghiţitor de săbii: o demostraţie *foarte* impresionantă):
ps. I hate SPSS! :)
Salut. Cu scuzele de rigoare pentru acest mesaj de tip spam, insa deocamdata este o buna modalitate de transmitere a unei informatii. Apelam la oameni inteligenti din blogosfera si care pot in acelasi timp sa fie promotori ai acestui fenomen in Bucuresti. INSCRIE-TE LA ZIUA BLOGGERILOR BUCURESTENI ( PE ZBB-2009.RO AI FORMULARUL DE INSCRIERE ) si vino alaturi de noi la festival impreuna cu cat mai multi prieteni. Da acest mesaj mai departe in blogosfera.Vor fi premii, petreceri, multa distractie si nu in ultimul rand o mare gasca de bloggeri cu care poti lega prietenii. Fiecare blogger inscris va primi cadou, saptamanal o invitatie de doua persoane la Eurocinema.
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