You ain't gonna believe this. God Has given proper thought to everything, including how' to drive on the road in the best and most piously way ever. Therefore, He spake and industriously the Pope engraved in strong, stony letters the many road commandments.
Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road
by Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
Read them. They're gorgeous. To quote that sinful band, The Doors: Killer on the road...
Courtesy of Gelu. This is sucha biuty :)
Then we have this serious, most grave issue of how to best sing Smoke On The Water when you happen to be on the wrong side of the ocean. The result is califragilistic at least. Watch it and get laid.
Courtesy of Serban, HotNews, Sumo.TV and YouTube.
PS: Atentie! Cei de la Hotnews sunt cam culturally blind si eticheteaza parodia ca fiind chinezeasca, fara sa se uite la instrumente, la costumatii si, in fond si la urma urmei, la studioul TV. Unda pana extensiei mele penile ati vazut voi la chinezi o asemenea desfasurate de fortze decadent-elaborate, cu referire la o sursa culturala decadent occidentala? Ma baetzi. Mai ganditzi si voi un pic... :(
Lecții de empatie de la non umanii mei
Acum 4 zile
3 comentarii:
A fost interesant pana la un punct. Punctul in care aia mici galbejiti si constipati au inceput sa cante din gura. Ce mai vaiet, ce mai zbucium! Ar trebui sa le explice poate careva ca limba aia a lor e un pic unfriendly pentru cantat. Nici nu mi-am dat seama daca aia aveau macar un pic de melodie in voce. Parca nu.
lol. that was the greatest fun in it, dontcha think? heavy metaru with a vengeance :)
Daa, foarte tare. Spectaculos. Pacat ca nu am avut sa rulez ceva inainte sa dau play.
@Finix, si eu era sa renunt cand au inceput yellow people sa "cante"...bine ca nu am facut-o, devine hardcore spre final.
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