Ups. Ce'mi vaz ochii cind ma uit in statistici, in
Vizitatori pe:
Ups. What da...? Ce se intimpla, maica? Au dat drumul astia la demonii globalizarii? Au deszagazuit torentii mondializarii? Am devenit dintr-o data al lumii, al universului, sint intercontinental? Italia, Germania, Franta, Marea Britanie, Portugalia, Canada, Japonia? Sa moara pisica, nea Fanica: ne napadesc strainii. Si pe toti ii cheama Turambar, si toti scrie la fel, bre nea Fanica bre.
Damn it. I so rulz sometimez...
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
6 comentarii:
Damni it!
Si toti sociologi?
Ooo, stralucitorule... =)) =)) =))
Creca google le da nemtilor acces la site-ul tau dupa ce-n prealabil ii redirecteaza la
De ce? Asta e intrebarea...
Ajurea. E invasion of the turambar snatchers ;-)
Nu e demonii globalizarii.
La japoneji e o hipertrofie a simtului umorului. Fukushima's side effect.
Ce ma ingrijoreaza sint nemtii, cei mai glumeti dintre paminteni. Astia n-au avut nici un accident nuclear. Vizibil.
Q: Why am I seeing a URL change?
A: In the next few months the website address of a blog you're reading may be redirected to a country-specific domain. For example, if you're in Australia and viewing [blogname], you might be redirected to [blogname] The country-specific domain should correspond to the country where you're currently located.
Q: Why is this happening?
A: We are doing this to provide more support for managing content locally. If we receive a removal request that violates local law, that content may no longer be available to readers on local domains where those laws apply. This update is in line with our approach to free expression and controversial content, which hasn’t changed.
Q: Where will I see this change?
A: We’re rolling out these changes in stages, so in the coming months you will see country-specific domains implemented in additional countries.
Pe T l-a dibuit Chuck N si acum fuge-n alte tzari... Cum ar veni 'se relocheazã'...
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