Sau, cum ar veni, The Quote of the day:
I would give up all the accolades - people have occasionally written and said nice things - of my showbiz career to play just once for the senior Munster team. I will never win an Oscar now, but even if I did I would swap it instantly for one sip of champagne from the Heineken Cup.
Richard Harris (1932 - 2002)
Si inca una, ca sa vedeti ce drac de om a fost tipul asta:
Someone asked me once "What is the difference between Tom Cruise now and you when you were a major star?" I said there is a great difference. Look at a photograph of me from the old days and I'm going to one of my film premieres with a bottle of vodka in my hand. Tom Cruise has a bottle of Evian water. That's the difference - a bottle of Evian water.
Da, dom'le, concluzia e clara: nici actori nu mai fac astia zilele astea ca pe vremuri. Unde sunt colegii lui de suferinta alcoolica? Unde'i Richard Burton? Unde'i Sean Connery? Unde'i Peter O'Tool? Unde'i Michael Caine? Unde's the larger than life directors like Anthony Mann, John Ford, John Huston, Budd Boetticher?
A, ca veni vorba: unde'i Sterling Heyden?
Mda. La mine in avatar. Stiu, Ioana, stiu: am niste modele valorice care imi incetzosheaza mintea profesionala si ideologica si-mi afecteaza viziunea si sondajele shi viatza. Shtiu, Ioana, shtiu. Sunt transparent ca meduza in fatza ochilor tai strapungatori. Shtiu, Ioana, shtiu: fi'mi'ar modelele sa-mi fie, ca mai toate sunt moarte si nashpa si duse si putrede...
PS: Aceasta ditiramba trista si inutila si macho se datoreaza rugamintii facute ieri de catre Victor "Dinte", baba noastra de capitan de facto de linia a treia de om puternic si chel si campulungean, mare priceput intr-ale placajului la glezne, sa-i fac rost de This Sporting Life. Ceea ce am si facut, evident. Impreuna cu alte doua filme despre rugby: Forever Young si Alive! (cutremuratoarea poveste de supravietuire si lupta a rugbistilor uruguayeni esuati in pustiul de gheatza al Anzilor).
Da, Victor, ti le-am facut rost pe toate. Ti le dau in dupa-amiaza asta (joi, ca sa nu creem confuzii).
Crouch Touch Pause Engage!
PPS: Hai, ca am mai gasit una, la fel de faina:
"We chose Richard," says Storey, "because of his emotional volatility. His enthusiasm was total, he was completely committed, verging on the edge of insanity in some respects, and that became infused in the film itself."
On the first day of shooting in Wakefield, the local ruby league team congregated on the pitch while Harris prepared in his caravan. "He was spending ages on his makeup," recalls Storey, "and then when he came out and saw all the players standing at the other end of the pitch going, 'Oh Jesus, look at this flower coming out,' he just took one look at them and ran down the whole pitch towards them. And, as he ran, he got faster and faster until they suddenly realised with horror that he was going to run right into them, which he eventually did. It was that initial gesture of total physical commitment, almost indifference and carelessness, that caught the player's admiration and they really took to him in a major way."
The film was not a hit, but critical acclaim duly followed for Harris, with an Oscar nomination and a best actor award at Cannes. Harris attended the ceremony drunk, and when he heard his name called out as winner, he bounced on to the stage. But when Jeanne Moreau handed him his award, in the shape of a plain box, Harris barked: "What's this?" "Cufflinks," Moreau said. "That's what the best actor gets." Instead of taking them, Harris grabbed the biggest trophy he could see and escaped into the night. The festival committee demanded the return of the statue, which was for best animation film, and Harris finally relented. The cufflinks were mailed to him.
Robert Sellers, the author of Hellraisers - The Life and Inebriated Times of Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole and Oliver Reed.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 3 zile
15 comentarii:
What took you so long?
:) :p
Cã nu eram destul de sictirit de bãrbatii nostri politici, mai ales dupã ziua de ieri... Acum pomenesti de Harris si Burton... Chiar vrei sã nu ma duc la vot...
Sondaj de calibrare exit - poll IRES - CSOP (pe sectii de votare care se vor lua in considerare la exit - poll):
base - 37;
geo - 27;
antonescu - 20;
Numar mare de respondenti.
Ce zici ? Pe aproape ?
Turambare, linistea ta ne toaca nervii.. Se mai poate intampla ceva nou in turul 1 sau putem sa mergem la culcare? da-ne un hint, Maria ta..
Ce vretzi voi, stralucitorilor, sa va spun? Ca se intampla chestii?
Da, se intampla chestii. So what?
Suntetzi prea nerabdatori. Ashteptatz shi voi pana duminica, la orele 21:00.
:) :p
@ Sergiu: Presque. Not too far. Am auzit si eu despre el.
gând la gând!
ţi-am zis că mă apuc de rugby - un fel de-a zice:)
ştii ... mai e şi scena aia finală. când nu mai există cuvinte. nici nevoia de a le rosti
poate dai vreodată şi de ea
>când nu mai există cuvinte. nici >nevoia de a le rosti
Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?
Morpheus: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
:) :) :)
>Da, dom'le, concluzia e clara: nici >actori nu mai fac astia zilele astea >ca pe vremuri.
George Constantin era antrenor de rugby in "Singuratatea florilor", Ilarion Ciobanu in "Cu mainile curate" (parca a si jucat cu adevarat)...
Da' noi tre' sa mergem la votam, sa votam un barbat pentru tzarã... ... ...
@ Dyacritikos: :) :(
@ Dragos Bora: Neeah. Nu votul e cel mai important. Cel mai important este sa jucam rugby :) (just joking, mate; just joking)
Rugby necesse est. Vivere non est necesse. :-)
Txs, mate :(
s-au scos pause si engage
crouch, touch, set
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