Despre certitudini si despre dubii bine tzinute in fraul mintzii. Despre legatura tensionata dintre politica si stiinta.
Despre The Economist, evident.
[...] There is no doubt that politics and science make uncomfortable bedfellows. Politicians sell certainty. Science lives off doubt.
[...] There are no certainties in science. Prevailing theories must be constantly tested against evidence, and refined, and more evidence collected, and the theories tested again. That is the job of the scientists. When they stop questioning orthodoxy, mankind will have given up the search for truth. The sceptics should not be silenced.
Restul articolului aici.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 3 zile
4 comentarii:
Cat de simplu e pentru cei care au certitudini. Intunecatule!
speaking of simbata, off-topic:
poze inclusiv cu turambaru' de tine!
cum ti se pare carticiunea?
@ Ugly Bad Bear: :) :rofl: Ala sunt eu? Mama, ce fatzau am...
Cartea? Foarte faina. O incantare pentru ochi si pt inima
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