Trec printre blocuri, întorcîndu-mă de la grădiniță, unde o dusesem pe Andra. Mai întîi pe Marta, la 8. După, pe la 8 jumate, pe Andra. La întoarcere, printre blocuri, pe lîngă gărdulețele acelea de sîrmă zincată pe care unii le înjură, alții le apreciază. Obicei vechi: privirea îmi fuge instinctiv spre frunze, crengi, copaci, ierburi. Chiar și în București, tot în pădure sînt. Trebuia să mă fac pădurar, nu sociolog.
Și ochii mi se opresc într-un vlăstar de paltin care, crescut pe lîngă plasa gardului, trecea ușor de marginea lui de sus. O mînă de frunze, o nuia de pui de copac.
Și cuvîntul îmi răsare fără efort în minte: sapling. Nu sampling, cuvîntul acela recent și urît din marketing, ci sapling, cuvîntul acela frumos și vechi din engleza de acum 100 și 500 ani și probabil chiar și acum 1000 de ani.
Și atunci switchul se face effortless, and languages change and words start whirling within. Sapling. A thousand years old word. When sagas were told in the evening, around the hearth. When trees were felled by axes and people were felled by swords. When history was itself a sapling, nimble and slender and green, rich in woods and red in blood and grief.
Sapling. A word that rings true, in a world that rings hollow and harsh.
Sapling. Memories effortlessly start to unravel.
The leaves were long, the grass was green,
The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,
And in the glade a light was seen
Of stars in shadow shimmering.
Tinuviel was dancing there
To music of a pipe unseen,
And light of stars was in her hair,
And in her rainment glimmering.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 3 zile
5 comentarii:
wonderfully welled up - ca sa incerc sa-ti raspund pe aceeasi limba...
nu stiam ca "sapling" are 1000 de ani
Sapling este datat cu certitudine (sursa scrisa) din sex XIV:
"Origin: 1375–1425; late ME"
Este foarte probabil sa fie mai vechi, deoarece primele atestari nu sunt de regula contemporane cu folosirea regulata a cuvantului
Insa cuvantul din care se trage, sap (seva), este atestat inca din sec IX:
"Origin: bef. 900; ME; OE sæp; c. D sap; akin to G Saft juice, ON safi"
The Good People
Just stories fly on prayer’s wing
About the hosts of Elven-King,
Just stories whispered, never seen,
About the hosts of Elven-Queen.
Her smile was bright, her eyes were deep
So as to make the angels weep.
She played such music – sweet, not rough –
So as to make the angels laugh.
He went a-hunting demons vile
So as to make the angels smile.
Their garments had no single seam
So as to make the angels dream.
Their faces were fair and bright
As woven out of rainbow light
And their music soft and true
As if ‘twere made of morning dew.
They went a-hunting boar and doe
On paths untread by human toe
And love they did with kisses seal
On paths untread by human heel.
But greedy people came unseen
By Elven-King and Elven-Queen
To fell the trees and dam the streams
Of kingdom fairer than their dreams.
Hardly a chance stood Elven breed
Against the might of human greed.
Their realm was lost, their hosts were slain,
Only the stories now remain.
(Florin Pîtea, 5 februarie 2008)
Their realm was lost, their hosts were slain,
Only the stories now remain.
Mda. Garcon, un whisky, te rog. Viata-i grea, lumea-i rea, Florin ne demotiveaza dimineatza...
:rofl: :) :friends:
Aha. Bagat explicatie la cap explicatie & link la favorite. Multu'.
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