One of the most demanding jobs in the world - being the Press Secretary of the Freest of the Nations. And spreading all them Good News all around you. You can send the cards and the flowers to my office.
Enjoy. Courtesy of The Onion and Dan J., who sent me the link.
White House Press Secretary Spins Wife's Tragic Death As A Positive
White House Press Secretary Spins Wife's Tragic Death As A Positive
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 4 zile
4 comentarii:
turambarule... scuzati - asta e PE BUNE?? te rog spune-mi ca e o farsa, something...
oblia paf
E o farsa, doamna, e o farsa. The Onion e un soi de Academia Catavencu la americani :)
uf! ok... :)
lol. rofl. muahaha.
huhuhu. :)
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