Cum traduci togetherness? De ce nu avem in romina un singur cuvint pentru asa ceva? Starea-de-a-fi-impreuna...? "Cuplu" compromite si tradeaza doar cuvintul. Dansul? Probabil raspunsul la teancurile de carti scrise de la greci incoa despre problema unu-multiplu. Milonga? Borges with a touch of Marquez, the smell of linden with a scent of cinnamon and the moonlight shine of the knives with spring-cold blades. And the contrast of the dance...
Multumesc pentru atita traire, tandrete si atentie pe blog!
Togetherness? Simplu: impreunaciune. Fara refferalul secsos. Deci nu impreunare. Just tango. Stiu: nu exista cuvantul. Sunt multe cuvinte care nu exista in romana :(
I don't like linden. It kills manhood and vigour. Just, sometimes, its smell. But the moonlight shine of knives... That's another story, needing not linden or cinnamon or lace. Just a slash and a tango.
5 comentarii:
Hanami time, Turambar...
Spor si trafic (stiu pagina cu pricina..deh! dar si altele, normal...). Bafta...
Cum traduci togetherness? De ce nu avem in romina un singur cuvint pentru asa ceva? Starea-de-a-fi-impreuna...? "Cuplu" compromite si tradeaza doar cuvintul.
Dansul? Probabil raspunsul la teancurile de carti scrise de la greci incoa despre problema unu-multiplu.
Milonga? Borges with a touch of Marquez, the smell of linden with a scent of cinnamon and the moonlight shine of the knives with spring-cold blades. And the contrast of the dance...
Multumesc pentru atita traire, tandrete si atentie pe blog!
De nada, senora. :)
Togetherness? Simplu: impreunaciune. Fara refferalul secsos. Deci nu impreunare. Just tango. Stiu: nu exista cuvantul. Sunt multe cuvinte care nu exista in romana :(
I don't like linden. It kills manhood and vigour. Just, sometimes, its smell. But the moonlight shine of knives... That's another story, needing not linden or cinnamon or lace. Just a slash and a tango.
Propun impreunatate atunci... :)
And linden don't kill a thing though i hear they're quite toxic in Bucharest. They're indeed rather feminin, though respectful to manhood :)
Let the blades s(w)ing and passion dance!
Impreunatate? Hmmm.... De ce ma duce gandul numa' la prostii?
Bunatate. Rautate. Greutate. Cumpatate.
Cred ca e primavara de'afara, doamna. Daca nu te'ai gandit la ce m'am gandit eu, bravos. Un tango de la domnu...
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