Since adding my blog link in my KG forum signature, I see a small, but steady stream of KG fellows straying around here to see how this bloody Romanian bloke can pester even more the virginity of the Internet space.
I see people coming from Finland and Slovenia and India and the US and Austria and Netherlands and even Bucharest, that far far away exotic land :) :P.
This means that my link really works and, moreover, that you're interested in the rambling of a deranged Romanian disturbed genial mind. Please suit yourself, the show's about to start.
Well, mates, I have two news fer ye, cinematic freaks:
a) the good one: the go...
No. Let's start with the bad one: b)
b) the bad one: this bloody blog is written mostly in Romanian. Yup. Yup yup yup. Ugly complicated convoluted Latin language. Except fer some Italian and Portuguese / Brazilian mates, most of you won't understand too much of what I write.
In fact, even my Italian and Portuguese / Brazilian mates won't be able to get much of it, since I write in a veeeery freaky Romanian.
In fact, I do sometimes wonder if my Romanian fellows can always follow my rhetorical ramblings. I can sometimes speak in a veeery special Romanian, that only my wife and my psychiatrist can understand.
...Never mind. The good news is that I have also pictures and movies, not only words. You know: words words words. The prince of Denmark used too many words and he died of sword. No, poison, but mostly sword.
Never mind. Stop speaking inside my braaaaAAIN!!
//cough. cough cough//
Okie dokie. we're cool. Never mind the dwarves.
So we have a good piece of news: you have picchars. Mostly pictures with tits. Yummie! Tits, that concept that transcends language.
Therefore, you can dro.. you can watch my ti... my pictures of tits. It will surely enhance your artistic knowledge (and your blood pressure in very precise parts of your body, also).
You also have movies. Some of them funny, the rest even funnier. Those movie that are not funny or funnier, fortunately befall under the third category: simply hilarious.
All the other YouTube movie snippets will be about Film Noir, of course. Kiss Me Deadly, The Killing, They Found Her Dead And Naked and other such wondrous jolly merry movie titles.
Therefore, I think you movie nerds have plenty of reasons for staying around for a while and wondering slowly in yer great global slow minds: where the heck is this Romania? Is it in Budapest or in Asia?
LOL. As you can see, from time to time I promise to write in English. Look for the "English" tag. From time to time, the counter will increase by one.
Fer the heck of it, fer the fun and fer the sake of all those bloody years we've already spent on KG.
Our youth, our dreams. Our movies.
Long live KG! Movies to everybloodybody.
The rest is silence. And poison.
// cough. cough cough . aaargh gh g hg ghh //
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum 5 zile
2 comentarii:
Esti incredibil de penibil si sper sa mori.
Ma stradui, prietene, ma stradui. Each and every bloody minute.
Dar let me tell you about an educated guess: o sa mor dupe tine. C-asha mi-s eu: ardelean politicos, din fire. De la Telega, de pe malu Prutului.
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