luni, 7 ianuarie 2008

Billions of dollars of self-irony

I'm not usually a Bill man. I don't dig 'im. He's a mean fat capitalist ....

Hooo! Hold your horses. That was irony too.

Bill Gates (you know him: the other Bill) is about to retire from the evil imperialist evil-empire of Microsoft (right now I'm using a Microsoft OS, a Microsoft word editor and usually I heavily rely on Microsoft. Therefore this is also irony).

Well, he'll retire soon. In preparation for that ominous day (oh, glory! oh angels!) he put up, together wih his evil empire and his limitless resources, a funny little movie depicting his last day in office. Starring himself and his evil collaborators: Bono, Steven Spielberg, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Dick... no, the other evil Vicepresident, the one that destroys the Earth, wassa name? Al Gore, and other illustrious names that I've never heard of.

Watch it here, on The context is that zoso was sponsored by the evil empire to fly over the evil Atlantic and to go to that nerdish IT conference held in Las Vegas, among herds of other nerds who worship Bill and his evil empire. zoso was almost within reach of Bill. Why didn't you shoot, zoso, why?

Did I mention about the evil empire and its wrongdoings?

LOL. Paradoxically, the movie is really funny, although it stars Bill Gates. The other Bill... :)

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