marți, 8 ianuarie 2008

Suntem praf!

Da, da' ce praf. Praf de praf. Praf de stele.

The stuff the dreams are made of.

Courtesy of Hotnews.


Pamantul, o stea reciclata
de Carla Antonescu (
Marţi, 8 ianuarie 2008, 11:26

Praful cosmic, care a grabit formarea Pamantului si a Soarelui, provine de la o stea anterioara care a sfarsit ca supernova, confirma studii recente

Un cercetator de la NASA afirma, in The Times, ca in urma observarii supernovei Casiopeia A, situata la 11.000 de ani-lumina fata de sistemul nostru solar, s-a descoperit o cantitate uriasa de praf cosmic, suficienta pentru formarea a 10.000 de planete precum Terra. Haley Gomez, de la Universitatea Cardiff a spus ca analiza acestui praf solar a aratat ca Pamantul este, in parte, format dintr-o “stea reciclata”.

LATER EDIT: Mda. Eu, spre deosebire de altii, dau shi linkul in clar catre sursa mama. Mi se pare mie sau avem de-a face cu un riguros exercitiu de traducere mot-a-mot?

Hmmm... Simt o ecuatzie in neuroni:

Journalism = Glorified Copy / Paste / Translate blogging

From The Times
January 8, 2008
Earth partly made from recycled star
Supernova remnant Cassiopeia A
Lewis Smith

SPACE Cosmic dust that speeded up the creation of Earth and the Sun originated from an earlier star that exploded as a supernova, researchers have confirmed.

Observations of debris from the Cassiopeia A supernova 11,000 light years from the home solar system, have detected enough cosmic dust to make up 10,000 Earths. Jeonghee Rho, from Nasa, said: “We can say unambiguously that dust, and lots of it, was formed in the ejecta of the Cassiopeia A explosion.” Haley Gomez, of Cardiff University, said the analysis showed that Earth was in part “a recycled star”.

1 comentarii:

oceania spunea...

da, suntem praf de stele iar viata e o mare explozie…Carl Sagan spunea: “Suntem praf de stele care se gandeste la stele”