marți, 8 ianuarie 2008

Si americanii plang, nu-i asa?

Shi chiar in timpul campaniei electorale. In direct.

Hmmmm... Unde am mai auzit noi asta? Sa-l intreb pe colegul nostru de camera, Doru Stolojan. Doruleeeee! A plans cineva, bre?

LOL. Pe Hillary o lasa nervii. Sau e o mishcaciune de spin doctori electorali? Sondajele cele mai recente in dau pe Barack Obama peste Hillary si in New Hamsphire. Hmmm: Se intampla lucruri...

Stolojaaaaane! Vino bre, ca plange o doamna dupe tine la poarta, de partea cealanta a Atlanticului.

Courtesy of The Times. Bloody Brits, always sharp. Always moral. Always arrogant. Always elegant. We hatez them, my precioussss.....

Hillary Clinton close to tears as cracks begin to show

Hillary Clinton came close to tears during a campaign stop in New Hampshire as new polls showed her trailing Barack Obama on the eve of the crucial state primary.

At a coffee shop in Portsmouth, Mrs Clinton became emotional when asked by a woman voter: “How do you keep upbeat and so wonderful?”

After beginning her answer, her voice began to break and tears filled her eyes. “You know, this is very personal for me. It’s not just political it’s not just public. Some people think elections are a game, lot’s of who’s up or who’s down, [but] it’s about our country.”

Polls show Mr Obama is set to claim another emphatic victory in New Hampshire's Democratic primary today following his success in Iowa last week. He told ecstatic supporters at another packed rally: "You're the wave and I'm riding it." Later, he told a TV interview: "We obviously started something, now we've got to finish it."

[[restul pe link. Ia mai duceti-va si la sursa prima...]]

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