Something has changed. Somn usor, Turambar. Good bye, sweet prince.
The rest is silence.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Acum o săptămână
Certainly Maybe. RANDom FUNk
Something has changed. Somn usor, Turambar. Good bye, sweet prince.
The rest is silence.
6 comentarii:
Pa. Da' unde l-ai trimis pe Turambar?
Deci nu! adica sper sa nu. hai zi ca nu!
doar n-o fi fost mizeriile alea ale lu baseanu?
@ Jeack: I've sent him to chase dragons. His way of dying.
@ Manwe: Nope. Nu are nimic de-a face cu dobitocul ala. Pur si simplu am obosit. Lento e piano :(
Spune lu Lento si lu Piano atunci ca pe internet vorba asta e pe la hoaxes, cum speram multi sa fie.
Da' lasati omul sa sa rest. Are nevoie de snaga. Ca vine alegerile!
Dupa ce trece...
"Something has changed"
Yeah, he's in his forties... ... ...
It was forty years ago today
Sgt. Pepper told the band to play
So may I introduce to you...
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