Deci cum ar veni cine nu e gata il iau cu lopata. Cine nu creeaza valoare, piatza sa-l omoare. Cine nu baga tare la Effie, ii moare coeffi. Cientzii si clientzii. Detergentzii si ambientzii. Primele si vilele.
Deci agentziilor, nasol. Rasol. La munca, nu la creativitate stearpa.
For Grey Global Group Inc., its contract to create TV, print and Internet advertisements for Procter & Gamble Co.’s Pringles isn’t just about selling potato chips. It’s about the end of billable hours.
Instead of being paid for hours clocked devising promotions for rice potato chips or crispy cracker sticks, Grey earns an undisclosed fee upfront and add-on payments for sales and market share gains. P&G moved brands accounting for 40 percent of sales to the new payment system July 1 and aims to expand that.
P&G and Coca-Cola Co. are leading the switch to pay ad companies for the value they bring to a brand, making them more accountable. Analysts say the practice will cut fees at a time when the recession erodes sales in the $456 billion advertising industry, known for lavish parties such as the annual Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival on the French Riviera.
“This is harmful for the ad agencies and they are very much against it,” said Alexander Wisch, an analyst at Standard & Poor’s Equity Research in London.
Restul articolului in P&G’s Ending Billable Hours Forces Grey to Show Chip Ads Work
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