JC: Vonnegut famously said, "If God were alive today, he would have to be an atheist, because the excrement has hit the air-conditioning big time." Did Vonnegut identify as an atheist?
DF: Oh yes. He brought down the house at Asimov's funeral when he said Asimov is looking down at us today from heaven. Everyone thought that was the funniest thing he could have said. But more than that, he was a humanist.
JC: In his introduction to While Mortals Sleep, Dave Eggers says that Kurt was a moralist. A lot of people associate atheism with amorality, but Kurt is a great example of how atheism and morality are not mutually exclusive.
DF: I don't know that God has a monopoly on morality. And I don't think that was just Kurt's view. Morality and god are separable.
Donald Farber in an interview about Kurt Vonnegut
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1 comentarii:
Taica, trebuie sa-ti marturisesc ceva.
Imagineza-ti un cimpanzeu, care incearca sa impinga spre varful unui deal noroios, un bolovan imens. Care sunt sansele sa ajunga cu el in varf? Nule!
Aia e imaginea mea incercand sa-l citesc (in tinerete) pe Vonnegut.
Acum, zgandarit de matale, ma pune dracu' sa caut pe net niste recenzii ale Abatorului 5.
Si nimeresc pe un forum unde 2 demoazele isi dau cu parerea despre carte. Recenzia primei cucoane ma lasa speechless iar afirmatia celei de a doua "... am citit-o in 2 zile, pe nerasuflate..." ma lasat useless.
In momentul ala, am inchis calculatorul si m-am dus la culcare bombanind "baiete, e cazul sa te duci la dezasamblat si spre REMAT cu tine. Ai trait degeaba. Huo!"...
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